Thursday, April 3, 2014

Need Single Parent Help? Effects of and Overcoming Obsessive Parenting

Most overprotected kids don’t respond well to minor life setbacks, and often struggle to manage disappointments. They also exhibit difficulty in taking responsibilities for their actions, since their parents often fight their life’s battles for them. Lastly, such children usually resent their parents’ almost authoritarian control over their lives, thus rebelling more than their normally parented counterparts.

If you’re a single parent who needs help in managing overprotective tendencies, it’s not too late to change. The Bridge Across offers single parent help and education to help you understand how you can help your children in the long term, despite the circumstances of being alone. Always remember that when you improve your own parenting, you end up easing your child’s journey through life as well.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Challenging World of Stepparent Issues and How to Handle Them Well

You should also respect the children’s privacy. It takes time to establish rapport with your stepchildren. Lastly, you must never speak ill of your current spouse, and his/her ex-partner, no matter the circumstances. Always encourage interaction between the children and them.

For individuals struggling to maintain a positive relationship with their stepchildren, The Bridge Across offer professional stepparenting help in Houston and all other cities. While it may seem frustrating, don’t give up. Learn the real rules in a stepfamily context, so you can work through these issues successfully!